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1st Quarter 2025 Sabbath School Study Guide



Welcome to our Church Family.

I will be amazed if you attend and are not welcomed with sincere interest.

The Dayton Community Chapel of Seventh-day Adventists is friendly starting in the parking and moving in to the foyer/lobby.

It is a Great Sabbath Morning to be greeted by Carol Williams or any of the other warm hearted greeters. (We take turns being greeters.)

We are just like most other Christian fellowships. We welcome our guests and want to make them/YOU feel at home.

You may hear some strange words or phrases. We tend to greet each other with a "Happy Sabbath, How are you today?"

Sabbath is the Old and New Testament name given to the seventh day of the creation week. (You can read it first in the opening chapters of the Bible.

HAY STACKS is another one. When you hear that phrase most likely it is in connection with a meal after our worship services.

Hay Stacks is a kind of fresh taco salad on a plate with your choice of lots of goodies and toppings.

Fellowship Meals are noted on our church calendar so you know if there is one scheduled even before you come. Social Events are warm and caring.

We enjoy a variety of music including singing with the piano and keyboard or some guitars.

Sabbath School starts a Bible based discussion led by various church leaders. Mostly likely you will find the discussion to be welcoming and spiritual food for the soul. If you are not familiar with the term Sabbath School likely you have guessed right that it is similar in nature to many Sunday Schools. Our version centers around a pre planned Sabbath School Study Guide which is well written and provides the basis for a good discussion.

Sabbath School starts at 9:30 Saturday Mornings, followed by a fifteen minute break then our worship hour which likely will run longer than an hour.

Our Worship Hour, which starts at  11 a.m., is led by one of our local Elders with a Bible based SERMON by Pastor John Appel or one of our Elders.

Dress is casual.

(Men) Some leaders may wear a suit but most wear comfortable slacks with a polo or dress shirt, maybe with a sweater.

(Ladies) wear slacks, dresses, skirts and blouses. Pretty much if you wear any modest attire you will feel like you fit right in. (Sit where you like from the front row to the back row.